My Battle with Infertility, Pregnancy-Induced Asthma, and Postpartum Psychosis
“What’s going on?” I asked that question over and over again upon coming home for a second time from the psychiatric hospital. I wandered around the house confused and lost; I was suffering from postpartum psychosis.
All the while my daughter, Esperanza, was still in the NICU. Occasionally, I would remember that I had baby. In these fleeting moments clarity, I was too scared to go and see her. When it was time for her to be released I didn’t want to go. Jim, my husband, brought her home from the hospital. I missed putting on her little “welcome home outfit” Esperanza’s great-great grandmother had hand knitted. I missed out on the first ride –and photo op — in the car seat.
Throughout my long and arduous journey trying to become and being pregnant, I forced myself to look forward to the next chapter thinking it could not be worse than the situation I was in currently.
I was wrong. Read Bridget's whole story on her medium page here.