​​Your testimony may be completely anonymous, identified by your first name only, or identified by a pseudonym; it is your choice. Your email will not be published and is not required, but will allow us to notify you when we share your story.
Here are a few prompts that may help you share your story, but they are only intended to provide inspiration for you to tell your own unique story. Feel free to respond to as many or as few of the prompts as you would like, or tell us something completely different about your postpartum psychosis experience.
If you could talk to other women who are currently experiencing PP or who recently experienced PP, what would you tell them?
How did your episode of PP affect your early experience of motherhood? For women who may be going through the same thing, what do you wish someone said to you?
What helped you to recover? Is there anything you wish you had been able to access sooner or differently? What was the hardest part of recovery, and how did you overcome it?
PP is a very rare illness, which can often result in people around you misunderstanding what you are going through. What do you wish other people knew?
How do you feel your ideas and understanding of your postpartum psychosis episode have changed over time?
What do you wish researchers knew right now that you think would be helpful for women who have shared this experience of PP?
Thank you for sharing your story with us. If you have any questions or comments, please email us at mghp3@partners.org